Saturday, November 21, 2015
Comic Panel of the Week: The Question Out Thinks Brainiac 5
Since I can't find the time to give it a proper review I'll just show it off here. Convergence: Blue Beetle. Check it out. Especially if you like the old Charlton Heroes or Len Wein's run from the 80's. Or even if your only familiar with the 2006 series with Jaime Reyes, read it. You shouldn't be disappointed.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
"Death Note (2015 Live Action Tv Series) 1st Episode" First Thoughts

Death Note is one of my favorite animes of all time so naturally when I heard that there was going to be a live action series I was a bit excited. However I didn't really know of a way to watch it and I heard alot of bad things about it. However thanks to Crunchyroll I was able to finally see it.
For those of you who have seen the anime or read the manga there are somethings that may turn you off to this series. For example the main character Light Yagami is very different. Unlike the anime where he is a overachieving high school who is bored with his life who quickly develops a god complex once he gains the power of the Death Note, the Light in this show is a bit of a slacker. He doesn't want to do anything important with his life or be super rich he just wants to have a normal average life. He doesn't even want to be a policeman like he did in the anime.
I can definitely see why some people wouldn't like this but I think it actually makes sense. In this show he is more of a real person, after he writes his first name down in the Death Note he tries to undo it and when the person actually dies he is realistically guilty and looks like he is going to be sick. When he then writes down a second name in order to save his Father and a hostage he breaks down and tries to kill himself. However he is essentially blackmailed by the Shinigami Ryuk into keeping the Death Note.
Light in this show so far doesn't seem have a God Complex, he doesn't even see himself as a hero. The only reason he's keeping the Death Note is to prevent Ryuk from giving it to a criminal. He doesn't say he wants to be god but he does want to use the Death Note to help the world. However when he kills Lind L. Tailor for insulting him it comes completely out of character for what there doing with Light in this show. But so far I'm interested where there going with this and whether or not by the end he will go down the same road as his Anime counter-part.
Some of the other important character changes are to my favorite character L. In this show L is much more closer to the anime then Light but I don't like some of the small things. Some of his weird mannerisms are gone and he much more of a smug a**hole. He also seems to devalue life a bit more in this show. When Lind L. Tailor is killed in the anime he was just trying to test a theory but didn't actually think he was going to die and was actually a bit shaken by the fact Kira can kill with just a name and a face, but in this he seemed to assume that Lind was going to die. He also seems to be more of a d!ck to Watari.
The funniest change, or worst depending on how much you like the character is what they did to Mello. In this show Mello seems to be a puppet that Near talks to, as sort of a split personality thing. That's right, in this show Mello is essentially Scarface from Batman and Near is The Ventriloquist. That is hilarious. But I bet that a third of fan base hates this show just for that. Also I had to look it up online just to be sure (the scene was very dark) but Near is a girl. I don't know if they wanted to portray Near as a young boy so they cast a girl cause they do that in voice acting alot or they just wanted to make Near a girl. I guess I'll have too keep watching to find out.
Anyway that's most of my thoughts, I'm going to keep watching but I can't really recommend this show unless you've seen the anime. But even then if you seen it this show might piss you off so all I can say is go in with an open mind. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
My Opinion/Review on the DCYou Superman
Okay, where to begin. DC has decided that alot of there book's since the start of the New 52 have lacked Diversity, so they have gotten rid of it and replaced it with DCYou. So we're actually getting some fun and comedic books instead of the very boring "dark" and "edgy" stuff we've been getting for the last few years. If you've read any of my other stuff you probably know already that I think this is a good idea. Anyway they have also decided to update some of there more iconic characters such as making a new Batman after Bruce Wayne's "death", making Green Lantern a villain again (Kinda, it's a bit complicated), and course what were here to talk about Superman.
So for those of you who don't already know, alot of stuff has happened to the Man of Steel behind the scenes while Convergence was going on. Lois Lane figured out that Superman was Clark Kent and for reasons that have yet to be revealed decided to put this on the front page of the Daily Planet revealing his secret to the entire world. To add injury to insult Clark has been losing his powers, possible due to his new Super Flare ability. Essentially he's about the same power level he was at back in the original Action Comic's #1. He's stronger and faster then a regular human but nowhere as fast as he was, he can kinda still leap tall buildings in a single bound but he can no longer fly, and his skin is tough but not invulnerable.
I will now attempt to recap everything that has happened so far in this storyline. If you want to know which issues I'm getting these plot points from they are follows: Divergence #1, Divergence: Action Comics Preview, Divergence: Superman/Wonder Woman Preview, Action Comics #41, and Batman/Superman #21.
Clark tries to go to the Fortress of Solitude with the hope it can fix him. After a battle with Shadow creatures he try's to go into the Fortress however it's defenses don't recognize him, and assumes his suit has been stolen so it takes his Kryptonian Armor with the exception of a few torn pieces of his cape. So lost and cold he makes his way back to humanity buys a Superman shirt cause hey it works for Superboy. He also buy's a motorcycle from some very stupid people, and drives to Metropolis which is under Quarantine encase Clark infected them with Alien Germs.
Also at some point Clark goes to the JLA satellite in order to steal a spaceship that he plans to fly into the sun which he thinks will restore his powers. Thankfully Wonder Woman stop's him cause that was stupid. However Clark rewards her by telling her that he doesn't love her anymore. Not the best time. He also goes to see if Lex Luthor has anything to do with his loss of powers. Lex doesn't even by that Clark is Superman, and asks him where the real Superman is. Lex also reveals that he has a lead on the Shadow monsters that keep attacking Clark, which leads them to Gotham where he has his first confrontation with the GCPD's new Batman. Knowing that Batman isn't Bruce he goes to the Batcave and finds Alfred who tells him of Bruce's "Death".

So far this storyline has been interesting, seeing the previews I thought they were going to go a different direction with it. Trying to make a darker version of Superman however what we got (at least in Action Comics #41) was a even more human Superman. Seeing him experience hunger, sleepiness, and coldness with such joy is just fantastic. It's great to see him enjoying the little things in life we sometimes take for granted or even think of as nuisance. It's amazing that even though everything he's been trough he's still Superman and more importantly he's still Clark Kent. Alot of people think of Clark Kent as the mask and Superman as who he really is. But he was always Clark Kent. He doesn't look down at us because he's has all these powers, he has hope for Humanity because he is one of us. He is Clark Kent.
As for the design, it's grow on me a bit. It's going for the earlier New 52 design but it's fine. I like that they went with the older version of the Superman Shield with the Black background instead of the yellow. It works with the less powerful and more of a people's champion version of the character there going for. I'm not sure about the really short hair but I don't really mind it too much. However I don't like how he raps his torn cape around his hands, I know why he does it but it's a bit silly.
Overall I'm interested where there going with this. I just hope they don't just say this isn't actually Clark, I have the sneaking suspicion they might since both the JLA Satellite and the Fortress' Defenses didn't recognize him. Also just one last thing, I know this is stupid, but does anyone else think that since he's losing his powers the GCPD should of got him to be the new Batman. I don't know, I thought it would of been cool. Anyway thanks for reading.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
My Opinion on Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice
It is 3 in the morning. I could be talking about stuff I wanted to talk about like DC's new direction for Superman, Convergence: Blue Beetle, or Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles. But no, I decided to talk about Sonic. So a bit earlier today news of a third game in the "Sonic Boom" series came out, and for the record I'm not as harsh on this series as alot of other people. I thought "Rise of Lyric" was really bad and "Shattered Crystal" was better then most people give it credit for. I actually liked "Shattered Crystal" more then both versions of "Sonic Lost World" but I digress.
"Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice" is a sequel /follow-up to "Shattered Crystal' and is being developed by the same studio "Sanzaru Games." I have very little doubt that this will be a horrible game however this game should probably not have been made. The other two games didn't sell the best, the game store I got "Shattered Crystal in had only one copy and the Employee's didn't even know it was out, and the game has such a stigma attached to it. Within hour's of "Rise of Lyric" release it was being called one of the worst game ever made and that it is bad as "Sonic '06."
I personally don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be. It's definitely a bad game but I don't know about the worst game ever. I know the only reason it's getting made is to advertise show but making sub-par games, especially if they have the Sonic name attached to them, is just asking for trouble. Those fan's can be very aggressive if you don't make them their perfect Sonic game.
As for the game itself, it look's good. It won't be the best game ever made but it doesn't have to be. If you expect that out of game's your going to be let down every time. One legitimate complaint I do have is that they obviously reused assets from "Shattered Crystal," so I hope they try to make them distinct or we will end up with two games that are almost indistinguishable. I also hope they try to make more variety in stages and a bit more memorable music. Maybe some of that dubstep music that was in the original trailer for "Rise of Lyric" but for some reason you decided not to put in the game. Other then that try to keep an open mind.
I have found out that the show is on hiatus and the comic series is being cancelled after the Worlds Unite crossover. So there is even less of a reason for this game to exist. It's shame because the Comic was really good. At least when Ian Flynn was writing it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
My Opinion on Doctor Fate getting his own Series
Doctor Fate, My favorite superhero. Is finally getting another comics series. That is !@#$ing awesome. I know I'm a bit late to this, but I don't care. I also pretty sure this is a monthly which is great. I can't wait. The writer Paul Levitz seems to be doing his own thing with it, and it look like he's going a much more light-hearted route with it. At least more light-hearted then what we have been getting with Earth 2. Although I find it weird that this new Doctor Fate has the same first name as the one from Earth 2 (Khalid) but that's happened before with Kent V. Nelson.
I also like that there going to be focusing alot more on the Egyptian theme's of Doctor Fate since Khalid is going to be an Egyptian-American and the first villain looks like it's going to be Anubis. I think that way will be easier to follow for a new reader anyway oppose to the whole Lord of Order thing. I also don't know how to feel about Levitz taking inspiration from Steve Ditko, specifically Ditko's Doctor Strange and Spider-Man. There we go adding more stuff to link Doctor Fate to Doctor Strange but I'm sure Levitz will be great, his run on All-Star Comics was one of my favorites and World's Finest was pretty good too.
Overall I am ecstatic, and so happy my worry's about "Future's End/World End" were wrong. If your interested in this series like I am a preview for it is apparently going to be in "Convergence: Aquaman #2" (which I think is out this week ) or you could wait till next month when "Doctor Fate #1" come's out. So until next time, see you later.
Also Avengers: Age of Ultron came out. Yeah...
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Comic Panel of the Week: Smallville Continuity
So far Smallville: Continuity has actually been pretty good. If you were a fan of the show check it out! Also Blue Lantern Barbra Gordon.
Monday, February 23, 2015
"Gotham: Red Hood" First Thoughts

It has been a while since I updated last, and a lot of new Superhero related shows have started since I've been away. In fact one of the new shows that started was the very show I chose to talk about today, Gotham. Which if you haven't heard of by now is essentially a prequel story that takes place in Gotham City just after Bruce Wayne's parent's have been shot. I've had very mixed opinions about the show so far, It's good but I like both Arrow and Flash more. The episode I've decided to talk about today is tonight's episode, Red Hood.
The main plot is about a gang going around stealing from various banks, while Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock try to catch them. What make this group different from other robbers is one of them wears a Red Mask. After surviving a guard shooting at him from very close range (Pulp Fiction Style) the man in the Red Mask starts to believe there's something special about the mask, and after giving money to people on the street in order to escape the police they become famous as a group of modern day Robin Hoods. However things start to fall apart in the group as it becomes a power struggle of who get's to wear the mask and be the leader.
That was just the over-all plot of the episode. There was much more stuff, one could argue too much stuff. Including a very grotesque scene involving a spoon and an eye that I could of gone without ever seeing in my life. I seriously don't know they got away with showing that on TV. Anyway I think my feelings on this episode explain my overall feeling of this show in general. At times this was amazing other times it dragged really bad and I was just waiting for something interesting to happen.
Were this episode shines is everything involving the Red Hood. That plot line alone makes this one of the most important episode of the series so far. It brings up the duality of wearing a mask, vigilantism, and how anonymity can make you a different person. Most importantly, whether or not he will actually show up in this show, it sets up a lot of things involving the Joker's back story. As well as Jason Todd's, who I know will definitely not appear in this series, but who knows I may be surprised.
What helps this the most is the great acting from all the Members of the Red Hood gang especially the Original Red Hood. I think he was the best part of this episode, and I think they wasted him. Also I don't know if anybody else got this vibe but both me and my brother thought he was a lot like Deadpool, maybe it was because he was a guy running around in a Red mask constantly talking and laughing. The rest of the cast was also great as always especially Bullock and Penguin.
Now for the bad. There is way to much stuff happening for it's own good. You could of easily drop some of these side plots, and had more time for the main plot. I want to mention again that there was no need for the eye scene, it seemed like it was violent just be violent. You can have all of Barbra's scene's too while your at it because it seems like there just there for me dislike that character less and less. I missed a good few episodes before this and the status quo hasn't changed much. The cliffhanger isn't the best the most that they can do with it is Alfred dies and becomes the Outsider for a little while until Bruce can cure him.
So overall this episode was okay. I liked everything with the Red Hood Gang and the GCPD, but everything else I can give or take. Gotham hasn't been the best, but you should at least check it out if your a Batman fan. For me though I doubt I'll watch much more of this show. I don't know how long it will be until I update again so I guess I'll see you then. Have a good night everyone.
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